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Action Alert - Waiwhetu-Lower Hutt Peace Group Meeting Peace Movement AotearoaPO Box 9314, Wellington. Tel (04) 382 8129, fax (04) 382 8173, [email protected]Issued 11 August 1998 50 Years of human rights : time to review the progress and failings of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. MAXINE GAY will speak about human rights and how they apply to our work and lives. Maxine is President of the Trade Union Federation, and has worked in the past as a clerical worker, PEP co-ordinator, clerical workers organiser, with Women's Refuge, on the District Council of Council of Trade Unions and PSA organiser, as well as raising her family. when : Tuesday, 18 August time : 8pm place : Epuni Baptist Church Hall, 308 Waiwhetu Road, Lower Hutt / Te Awakairangi.