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Action Alert - Support Free Speech Peace Movement AotearoaPO Box 9314, Wellington. Tel (04) 382 8129, fax (04) 382 8173, [email protected]Issued 14 April 1998 Kia ora, We have received the following message from Greenpeace who have requested help to distribute it ; apologies for the short notice, but it has only just arrived ... Re: the injunction taken out against Greenpeace by Tasman Pulp and Paper Co ... Tomorrow Greenpeace is holding a rock concert in Kawerau, near the Tasman Mill as a focus for the communities concern about the companies continued abuse of the Tarawera River.
They would like to receive messages of support to read out at the concert and ask that you forward something like the message below to Greenpeace asap. Fax them on : 09 630 7121; email " The High Court injunction granted to the Tasman Pulp and Paper Company sets a worrying precedent for freedom of speech and peaceful protest in NZ. I support the right of Greenpeace and other groups to peacefully protest against major environmental abuses. Signed ...... Date ..... "