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See also the: Foreshore and seabed information, Indigenous rights (Aotearoa), and Pacific country index pages.
- Kanak struggle for sovereignty over natural resources met with violence by the French state, Pacific Concerns Resource Centre, 20 April 2006
- Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific Day 2004, Peace Movement Aotearoa, 1 March 2004
- Killing Me Softly: why is it that whenever I think of the Pacific, the word 'dumping' comes to mind? Aziz Choudry, 3 August 2002
- Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific Day 2002, PMA, 1 March 2002
- Ok Tedi mine shut down by blockade, NEWG, 26 November 2001
- Alert! NZ / French wargames, PMA / Pacific News Bulletin, 21 March 2001
- Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific Day Statement, 1 March 2001
- Photos, Wellington welcomes French warships?, PMA, 13 February 2001
- French warships visit, PMA, 13 February 2001
- Pacific Concept for Peaceful Co-existence and Human Security, Forum for Pacific Peace and Human Security, Peace Boat, September 2000
- Indigenous People in Colonised Countries of the Pacific Peace Statement, Forum For Pacific Peace and Human Security, Peace Boat, September 2000
- Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific Day Statement, 1 March 2000
- Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific Day Statement, 1 March 1999
- The Peoples� Charter for a Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific, NFIP, 1983
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