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Hikoi Takutaimoana II - the second foreshore and seabed hikoi
How you can support the hikoi

Please scan down for publicity, financial, and Pakeha / Tauiwi support information

He karanga tenei! Nau mai! Haere mai! Tautoko mai!

Assemble: 9am Mayoral Drive Auckland, Saturday 16th October. Hikoi commences 10am.

Route: Down Queen Street, Customs Street, Quay Street, Tamaki Drive (escort by waka taua), then up Kitemoana Street to Orakei Marae (Bastion Point) Parking at Bastion Point. Shuttle service for drivers back to Mayoral Drive.

Dress: Best for the Day. BYO: food, drink, caps, sunblock, umbrellas etc

Kaumatua: Te hunga e kaha ana ki te hikoi i te Tiriti o Kuini ... he pahi ano kei reira hei hari i a koutou ki a Takaparawha.

Buses will be available for Kaumatua from the bottom of Queen Street to Bastion Point.

More information - including details for national, regional, local, waka taua, waka ama, and Pakeha support the hikoi contacts; publicity flyers and posters; media releases and media reports; and the schedule of Waka Wananga for the hikoi (starts 3 October) - is on the Hikoi Takutaimoana II home page.

Publicise the hikoi

The publicity flyer, and posters - including the poster for Tai Tokerau (hikoi starts 12 October), and specific posters for advertising in Auckland - are available online for you to download, print, forward, copy, distribute ...

Financial support

Koha can be posted to Nga Tai o te Reinga, 61b Iles Road, Lynmore, Rotorua (please make your cheque payable to Nga Tai o te Reinga); or direct deposited to the Te Ngae Branch, Kiwibank, account number 389002-0653401-00

Pakeha / Tauiwi support

As with the first foreshore and seabed hikoi, it is crucial that Pakeha / Tauiwi support for the hikoi and the kaupapa is visible. Below are some ideas for how you can do that, if you have more please send them to [email protected] and we will add them to this page.

There are two main sections below supporting the hikoi wherever you are and supporting the hikoi in Auckland.

  • Supporting the hikoi wherever you are

  • Supporting the hikoi in Auckland

  • Foreshore and seabed information   |   Indigenous Rights