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Action Alert - Oppose and expose the Code of Social Responsibility Peace Movement AotearoaPO Box 9314, Wellington. Tel (04) 382 8129, fax (04) 382 8173, [email protected]Issued 19 March 1998 12-30pm Thursday 2 April Outside parliament, Wellington. All those who oppose the Code and Work for the Dole are welcome, no matter what part of the country you come from. This is the last day that parliament is sitting before the King country by-election, we want to let National and NZ First MPs know that we do not accept the attck on unemployed people, beneficiaries and parents which the Code represents. Organised by Jobs with Justice in association with the Trade Union federation and the Auckland Unemployed Workers Rights Centre. Contacts : * Wellington - Caroline Hatt, Jobs with Justice, tel (04) 384 8963, PO Box 11-891, Manners St, Wellington. * Auckland - Sue and Karen, AUWRC, tel (09) 302 2496, PO Box 3813, Auckland 1. Note from PMA - there are various strategies being suggested for responding to the discussion booklet, for example last week's meeting of social service groups and agencies in Wgtn issued an advice sheet in which they recommend answering 'no' to the question "Do you support the expectations in this booklet?" for various reasons; and 'yes' to the question " Are there any other important expectations that you would like to see included ?" as this shows support for a wider debate. If you would like a (posted) copy of this sheet please let us know.