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Action Alert - John Pearce Tour / Nuclear chocolate Peace Movement AotearoaPO Box 9314, Wellington. Tel (04) 382 8129, fax (04) 382 8173, [email protected]Issued 2 August 1998 Kia ora, five parts to the message today ... 1) JOHN PEARCE TOUR - following our forwarding the details of John Pearce's speaking tour onto our Wellington reginal list last week, we have had enquiries form some of you around the country as to whether he will be speaking in your area. Below are the details as we have them .... for further details please contact AUWRC direct. 2) AUCKLAND DATES - some Auckland meeting dates over the next few weeks. 3) NELSON DATE and 'KUNDUN' 4) NUCLEAR CHOCOLATE : if you are not already part of the Baby Milk Action boycott of Nestle products, here's perhaps another reason to think twice before buying their goods ... 5) JABILUKA INFORMATION
From: AUWRC Thursday 2 July Dear Friends, Over the next three weeks those of us involved in COMMACT Aotearoa (an NGO working in the area of local action for people-centred economic development) are hosting a tour by John Pearce of some parts of NZ. John has been working in the field of community enterprise and community development in the UK and elsewhere since 1965. He has also been part of developing a Social Audit methodology for community and cooperative enterprises and a 'community futures process' which engages a cross section of community stakeholders in local development. COMMACT has set up a two year pilot project within NZ, with John's assistance, carrying out a trial social audit process on a range of community organisations and community owned businesses in the Far North, Auckland and Christchurch. To assist with this, we have brought John back to NZ, but we are also using the opportunity to host some more public forums with John so that some of those who may not have had an opportunity to hear from him on his last trip here may do so this time. You are cordially invited to attend any of these workshops. If you would like to know more about the social audit pilot you could contact either myself (Auckland area), Lindsay Jeffs in Christchurch, or Janine McVeagh in the North. Some info re the Pearce tour: Auckland meeting - already held
Tuesday July 14
Wednesday July 15 There will also be meetings/workshops in Westport (July 20), Dunedin (July 21), and possibly Christchurch. During the rest of his visit John will be working with organisations involved in the Social Audit pilot project and workshopping/promoting the concept with some Government and Local Government officials. For more information on any aspect of this, you can contact me at: AUWRC/COMMACT PO Box 3813, Auckland 1 Ph 09 302 2496 Fax 09 377 4804 Email [email protected] Mobile 025 243 4239 or Lindsay/Janine.
Wishing you all the best,
18 July - Workshop on Third World Debt 23 July - Seminar 'Prison on Trial' 9am - 5pm Mt Albert War Memorial Hall, New North Road Movement for Alternatives to Prison (MAP), tel Joan Stewart (09) 846 0226 23 July - 'Prisons in the new millennium' Allan Nixon Memorial Lecture, Speaker Dr Andrew Coyle. 8pm at Mt Albert War Memorial Hall.
14 July - illustrated talk on recent journey to Tibet, Bruce Farley 7-30pm at Fairfield House. $5 includes refreshments. Friends of Tibet Nelson, tel Mary Glaisyer (03) 546 8534 *** NATIONWIDE : a reminder from Friends of Tibet to go and see 'KUNDUN' the story of the fourteenth Dalai Lama, July and August at the International Film Festivals in Auckland and Wellington, then nationwide showings in September. 4) NUCLEAR CHOCOLATE : if you are not already part of the Baby Milk Action boycott of Nestle products, here's perhaps another reason to think twice before buying their goods ... "Action Alert -- Phone and Boycott Nestle' from Tri-Valley CAREs' July 1998 newsletter, 'Citizen's Watch' with thanks to Grandmothers for Peace, International, the organization spearheading the boycott Nestle', Nukes and Armageddon: Call 1-800-258-6728 The movie "Armageddon" has a theme inspired by Livermore Lab - nukes to save us from asteroids. Further, Nestle' has decided to capitalize on the movie with a new "Nuclear Chocolate" candy bar for our children, complete with a "Chocolate Chain Reaction" logo. In a statement, Nestle' said: "The word 'nuclear' is used in a fun, 'cool' manner to communicate the product's energy." Call and tell Nestle' that there is nothing fun or cool about nuclear weapons, nuclear fallout or nuclear waste. Join this boycott. *** Note - the above tel number is for Nestle in the US, we are awaiting further contact details for the US company; in the meantime you could contact Nestle NZ Ltd, Central Regional Sales Office, 69 Marsden Street, Lower Hutt, fax (04) 569 8530; Consumer Enquiries freephone number - 0800 830 840 and ask if they plan to introduce this delightful product here ...
5) JABILUKA INFORMATION - we are receiving up-to-the-minute info on the Jabiluka blockade, the attempts by the traditional owners of the Jabiluka site, the Mirrar Gundjehmi people, and others to stop the opening of a new uranium mine in the Kakadu national park. You may remember we sent out an action alert on this a few weeks ago asking for people around the world to send faxes to the World Heritage Committee meeting in Paris asking them to extend the protection of Kakadu.
We are receiving too much info to keep putting out action alerts on it, but if you have a particular interest in this blockade, then please let us know and we will forward on the messages about it to you as we receive them. Contact us on