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Wellington - What's on this week
Peace Movement Aotearoa
PO Box 9314, Wellington. Tel (04) 382 8129, fax (04) 382 8173, [email protected]
Issued 28 April 1999
- 5-30 to 6-30pm, every Wednesday at the Cenotaph. Candlelit vigil
against the NATO bombing
- You are invited to a forum organised by Radical Society on the crisis (humanitarian and capitalist) at work in Kosovo. Presentations will include that of Salient editor Mike Beggs with plenty of opportunity for others to contribute. Whether you support or oppose NATO's bombing you are more than welcome.
Forum on Kosovo, 12 noon, meeting room 2, Student Union building, Victoria University.
- Human Rights Action Group meeting, EAST TIMOR (Part Two), 12 noon, meeting room 1, Student Union building, Victoria University.
- from 30 April - 2 May - Basic Workshop run by Alternatives to Violence Project Aotearoa, the international multicultural Quaker initiative. The Basic Workshop explores affirmation, communication, co-operation, creative conflict resolution, and community building. Contact Alternatives to Violence Project, day phone Myra (04) 384 8896, evening phone Ralph or Nikki (04) 479 7861.