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National - what’s on soon

26 July 1999


  • Speaking tour - Dr Clive Hamilton, visiting Fellow of Public Policy at the Australian National University :

    ~ Tuesday, 27 July - PALMERSTON NORTH - at Massey University, room AH3, Ag Hort 3, 12 noon to 1pm on "Ecological Tax Reform and Financial Incentives: will they deliver a Sustainable Economy?

    ~ Wednesday, 28 July - WELLINGTON - at St Johns Hall, cnr Willis and Dixon Sts, 6 pm to 7.30pm (refreshments from 5.30pm) "Will more Economic Growth make us better off?" entry by donation, gold coin minimum. Notify ECO - ph 04 385 7545, [email protected] to help them plan space

    Clive questions whether our well-being as a society improves with economic growth. He believes that over the last two to three decades, the pursuit of neo-liberal economic policies has deliberately reinforced the validity of goals that make us unhappy. He has suggested that it's time Australia's economic indicator was changed to include things like happiness. He has developed the Australian version of the Genuine Progress Indicator.

  • 13 August, MEDIA PEACE AWARDS - closing dates for entries for the 1999 Media Peace Awards, for nomination forms / more info contact Peace Foundation, tel (09) 373 2379, fax (09) 379 2668,
  • Speaking tour - Iosabel Allende (Chilean author, niece of Salvador Allende) to promote her new novel 'Daughter of Fortune’. Wednesday, 18th August - Auckland 12.00-2.30pm, Hyatt Regency, $50 with lunch, tel (09) 358 8008; Wellington 6.30-8.00pm, Ilott Chamber, Old Town Hall, $8 tel (04) 499 1569. Bookings essential. Organised by Harper Collins publishers. BOOKINGS ARE REQUIRED. From Latin America Committee.


  • Friday, 6 August, Hiroshima Day - 6pm, Lantern Ceremony, meet outside The Body Shop in the City Mall, music and short speeches by the Mayor and Anna Parker, then collect lit lanterns and walk to the river (very short walk) for lantern floating, followed by soup and chat in the Canterbury Environment Centre, above The Body Shop.
  • Friday, 6 August, Hiroshima Day - 7-30pm, launch of Will Foote’s latest publication ‘The Power of the People: how Nelson Province became nuclear free’, speaker - Kate Dewes ‘Towards a nuclear-free millennium', at St John’s Methodist Church, Hardy Street. Copies of the book available at the launch, or may be purchased from Page & Blackmore (after the 6 August launch), 254 Trafalgar Street, Nelson, tel (03) 548 3887, fax (03) 546 6799, $9-95 plus $1 p&p.
  • Saturday, 7 August - Top of the South Regional Peace Groups meeting, 10am at Riverside Community.
  • Sunday, 8 August - Wellington Residents Coalition meets to discuss action on Council housing rents, sale of Cable Car , trolley bus lines and bus barn, government water review, plus items you want to raise, 2.30pm at the Newtown Community Centre - all welcome. For more info, tel Coralie Leyland (04) 385 2229.
  • Tuesday, 3 August - ‘The Bendigo Partnership, a positive response to big bank closures’ Russell Jenkins, Senior Manager (Remote Banking) of the Bendigo Bank, Australia will speak on how communities in Australia have responded to large bank branch closures and reductions in services by supporting initiatives in local, community-owned banking. 6.00pm at the Beehive Theatrette (Parliament). Since admission to the Beehive can only be made to those whose names are on an official parliamentary list, please let them know if you are coming by phoning Rod Donald’s secretary Sandra Craigie, 470-6663 or by emailing and putting in the subject category the word "bankinvite".
  • Tuesday 3rd August - ‘ Self-reliance versus Globalisation: a PROUT perspective’, speaker Dr Shambhushivananda,7.30pm at St John's Conference Centre,Willis St, Wellington. Suggested donation $7.50, further enquiries tel Alan Fricker, (04) 589 1575.
  • Friday, 6 August - HIROSHIMA DAY
    • 12.15pm - lunchtime rally, speakers - Kerry Prendergast (Deputy Mayor), Dame Laurie Salas (UNA, WILPF), Alyn Ware (LCNP), senior students; also music and reflection; facilitated by Dr Jim Stuart. Outdoors in Civic Square if fine, in Wellington City Council Atrium (Civic Square) if wet. Organised by the Peace Council, tel (04) 388 3173.
    • 6.30pm - Lantern Ceremony, begins in the Meeting Room (Mezzanine Floor, Wellington Public Library), Japanese women's choir and brief speeches, followed by lantern floating in the pool between the Library and the City Art Gallery. Some lanterns provided, please being your own if you can. Organised by Wellington WILPF, tel (04) 383 5688.
    • all-day: collectors wanted in Wellington and Hutt Valley - Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament will be on the street giving people white peace poppies in exchange for a donation. The Hiroshima Day collection is CND’s main source of income, please help if you can, tel CND (04) 382 8129, John 563 8126 or Christine 384 5057.
  • Tuesday, 17 August - ‘Human Rights: intervention, the hard choice’, speaker Terence O'Brien, 8pm at the Waiwhetu Uniting Church Hall, 6 Trafalgar Street (cnr Trafalgar and Grenville Sts - Grenville St run between Waiwhetu Road and Cambridge Tce). For more info, contact Arthur, Waiwhetu / Lower Hutt Peace Group, tel (04) 567 0533.
  • Tuesday, 27 July - 9.15am, Debt Action Network Meeting, Pompallier Centre, New St, Ponsonby. Contact Joan Macdonald (09) 360 8001.
  • Wednesday, 28 July - 7.30pm. APEC: How should the church respond ? Speaker - Rev George Armstrong, St James Presbyterian,74 Wellesley St. Further information Roger Smith (09) 309 4661.
  • Tuesday, 17 August - 7:30pm, the second Great Peace Debate "Making peace, not war, is good for business". Debaters are Raybon Kan, Elizabeth McRae, Michelle A'Court, Andrew Clay, Lianne Dalziell and Liam Jeory. Ajudicator Brian Edwards, MC Craig Parker, at the Maidment. Tickets from the Maidment Theatre $25 waged / $15 unwaged.

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