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Action Alert - Urgent - Protests against attacks on the people of Iraq Peace Movement AotearoaPO Box 9314, Wellington. Tel (04) 382 8129, fax (04) 382 8173, [email protected]Issued 17 December 1998 Kia ora, Will Clinton stop at nothing to cling on to his presidency ? The news has just come through that he has authorised attacks on the people of Iraq although at this point we do not know if an attack has actually been launched. WHAT YOU CAN DO NOWMake sure your voice is heard and your views on this are known. 1) Your MP, Jenny Shipley and Don McKinnon stating clearly your opposition to any NZ government support for a military attack, and saying that you hope no NZ armed forces will be sent to the Gulf. Jenny Shipley, Prime Minister, fax 04 473 7045; [email protected] Don McKinnon, Minister Of Foreign Affairs And Trade, fax 04 471 1444; [email protected] 2) The Cabinet - you could make the same points (and more !) to them. You can do this by phoning / faxing them collectively via the Cabinet Office : tel (04) 471-9743; fax: (04) 472-3181/6332; 3) National media - contacts for the nationally distributed papers are : Christchurch Press, fax (03) 364 8492, [email protected]; Dominion, fax (04) 4740257; Evening Post, fax; (04) 474 0237, [email protected]; Herald, fax (09) 373 6434; Sunday Star Times, fax (09) 309 0258. Press Association, fax (04) 473 7480; Radio New Zealand, fax (04) 473 0185. 4) The US ambassador - Josiah Beeman, US Embassy, 29 Fitzherbert Tce, Thorndon, Wellington; tel (04) 472 2068; fax (04) 471 2380. 5) President Clinton, The White House, Pennsylvania Ave, Washington DC; fax + 1 202 456 2461 or email [email protected] Act together with like-minded people ! Confirmed emergency arrangements for an attack against the people of Iraq are listed below - if you are in a town or city not mentioned, and would like to join this protest, please send PMA the details of your arrangements. We regret we will be unable to distribute the new details until Monday. On the day of an attack : AUCKLAND - meet at 4-30pm outside the US consulate (cnr Shortland Street); GISBORNE - meet at 5pm outside the Army Hall (cnr. Fitzherbert & Stout St), vigil every day at 5pm during the attack; WELLINGTON - confirmed details - there will be vigils in Wellington at the following times: 5pm today (Thursday 17th Dec) at the Cenotaph; 5pm tomorrow (Friday 18th Dec) at the Cenotaph. On subsequent days, same place, same time, while the attack continues. TAKAKA - meet at 5pm at the Village Green; DUNEDIN - meet at 5-30pm, at the lower Octagon. Bring your own banner, poster, candles - whatever you need to state your opposition to the bloodshed.