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Action Alert - Friday - Wellington Protest Peace Movement AotearoaPO Box 9314, Wellington. Tel (04) 382 8129, fax (04) 382 8173, [email protected]Issued 15 October 1998 forwarded from Food not Bombs
WORLD ANTI-MCDONALD'S DAY This Friday 16 October is World Anti-McDonald's day and also World Food Day! Starting at 5pm this Friday is a protest outside MacDonald's in Manners Mall. The McLibel Support Campaign will be handing out leaflets about McDonald's treatment of animals, workers, and the environment, and in particular will highlight McDonald's "Happy Meal" toys, which are made in Asian sweatshops. Food Not Bombs will also be giving away free veggie burgers, and members of the public will be invited to help punish "Ronald McDonald" by throwing sponges at him! Everyone is invited to come along to the protest.