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Action Alert - What's on
Peace Movement Aotearoa
PO Box 9314, Wellington. Tel (04) 382 8129, fax (04) 382 8173, [email protected]
Issued 14 January 1999
- National speaking tour - Francisco Caquilpan Lincuante, Mapuche activist from Chile has been brought here by CORSO. He will be speaking about current conditions in Chile, especially for the indigenous people of the south where there have been dramatic clashes between indigenous organisations and govt / private agencies over hydroelectric dams, logging and other destructive developments.
WELLINGTON - 20 Jan, 7pm at McKenzie Room, St John's Church, Willis Street. Contact CORSO, tel (04) 385 0579.
AUCKLAND - 25 Jan, 7pm at Waipapa Marae, University of Auckland. Contact Joan, tel (09) 360 8001.
- 22 - 25 Jan - Sweetwaters Festival, Puhinui Reserve, Manakau - not much time to get those tickets so contact the organisers asap if you wish to go ! Tel 0900 479 338, or go to
- 24 January - Millenium Miracle Minute of Silence. There is a plan for a global minute of silence for peace to be held as the first light of the new millenium touches Aotearoa which will be webcast and telecast around the world. The first of the 37 planned minutes will be at 7pm on 24 January, emanating out from the Sweetwaters Festival which will be shut down for the occasion. The minutes will then be held in different countries around the world until returning here for 1 Jan 2000. Contact Peace Foundation, tel (09) 373 2379, [email protected] 24 & 31 Jan, 7 & 14 Feb at 11.45 am on ACCESS 783AM - listen to Peace Report, Des Brough interviewing Alyn Ware on issues and challenges facing anti-nuclear activists in the new millennium. Contact Peace Council, PO Box 703, Wellington.
- 28 Jan - Pakaitore anniversary.
- 29 Jan - SIS Amendment Bill submissions due, info and copies of the Bill available from PMA.
- 31 Jan - Arms Amendment Bill submissions due, info and copies of the Bill available from PMA.
- Young people �Tell the World� - an invitation from World Voices to young people everywhere to contribute to a book on the state and future of the world. Deadline for entries is 30 January 1999, contact PMA or check out their website http://www.worldvoices.org
- 1 Feb - Tau-iwi women�s Treaty discussion group, 7pm at Wellington Women�s Centre, 56 Victoria St, Wellington.
- Say NO to APEC ! Say NO to APEC ! Say NO to APEC !
2-10 Feb - APEC Senior Officials Meeting in Wgtn. Protests being organised by APEC ACTION. Tel 04 498 2500,
3 Feb - �What is APEC?� public meeting with Jane Kelsey, Moana Jackson and others; Aziz Choudry on �APEC and the SIS�, at 7.30pm, St Johns Church Conference Centre, Cnr Willis and Dixon Streets, Wgton.
4 Feb - �Confronting APEC: Alternatives to the neo-liberal agenda� Seminar, 9.00am to 4.00pm, at Student Union Building, Victoria University, Wellington. Send name, address, reg fee ($20 org, $10/$5 individual) by 30 January to APEC Monitoring Group, PO Box 9716, Wellington, or tel (04) 385 0579.
- 6 February - Waitangi Day, 158th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty. Wellington - Tenths Trust day of activities around the Treaty in Frank Kitts Park.
Network Waitangi Wellington may have some seats available in a vehicle travelling to Waitangi, tel Anne (04) 472 6425 if you are interested in going.
- 8 Feb - presentation of SIS Amendment Bill petitions to parliament, 9 Feb - submissions on the Bill and protest ? Wellington - to be confirmed.
- 9 Feb - Nelson Peace Group meeting, 5-30pm at Kite Shop, Nelson. Tel (03) 547 4779.
- 13 Feb - Top of the South Peace Groups at Riverside Community, RD2 Upper Moutere, 10am for a cuppa, 10-30am for meeting, BYO lunch.
- 13 Feb - The global society: issues and challenges for New Zealand, Massey University at Albany. Contact the convener Dr Anne de Bruin, Department of Commerce, Massey University - Albany Campus, Private Bag 102904, North Shore Mail Centre, Auckland, tel (09) 4439633, fax (09) 4439732
- 16 - 18 Feb - Spiderwoman Theatre Company, two indigenous American and one Cuna Indian women, performing in Wellington at Te Whaea (NZ School of Dance and Drama) on 16 & 17 Feb; open workshop at
Te Papa on 18 Feb. Contact Magdelena Aotearoa, tel (04) 385 0777,
[email protected]
- 22 Feb - Anti-racism/Treaty workers meeting, Tamaki Makaurau region, 7pm at 5 Seymour St, Ponsonby.
- Starting 22-23 Feb - Asia Development Assistance Facility
Training Workshops on Monitoring and Evaluation of work in Asia.
22-23 Feb in Wellington, 25-26 Feb in Christchurch, 1-2 March in Auckland.
Contact ADAF Training, Development Resource Centre, PO Box 12440, Wgton,
fax (04) 472 3622, [email protected]
1 March - Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific Day
- 8 March - International Women�s Day
- 10 March - Tibet Uprising Day commemorating Tibetan non-violent resistance to the Chinese occupation. This year Students for a Free Tibet (NZ) have called the Light For Tibet campaign. Contact SFT(NZ) PO Box 4366, Kamo,
[email protected] or
[email protected]
- 6 March, 12 noon - 8pm
Riverside Music Festival Promoting Peace
Featuring local performers - bands, soloists, actors, poets and more - games, food and craft stalls.
Any peace groups interested in bringing along or sending material on current peace issues; and interested people, groups, or performers or who feel they have something to contribute to the festival, please contact : Jessie Francis, Riverside Community, RD2 Upper Moutere, Nelson.
- Starting 10-11 March - Gender & Development Training.
10-11 March in Auckland, 17-18 March in Wellington, 24-25 March in
Christchurch. Contact CID, PO Box 12-470 Wgtn, fax: (04) 472 63 74,
[email protected]
- 21 March - 3 April - International Festival of Women's Performance, outstanding women performers from around the world; in two parts - 21-28 March, Wellington; 1-3 April, Paekakariki 'Te Ao Te Tohatoha Mohiotanga' (a world in which to share knowledge). Contact Magdelena Aotearoa, tel (04) 385 0777, [email protected]