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Reports from 'Just Peace?' conference Kia ora, the following papers and reports from the 'Just Peace ?� conference are available from Peace Movement Aotearoa. To order any of these papers: please print out this web page; place a tick in the ( ) preceeding the papers you want copies of; fill in your name and postal address clearly in the space provided at the end of this message; and post back with your cheque to PMA. The amount charged is for cost-price copying and postage. ______________________
Papers from speakersNote - the number of pages is icluded in square brackets after each paper. ( ) Dr Julienne Kaman: Papua New Guinea, the situation, research on a trial Peace Studies Course. [21] ( ) Josephine Sirivi: Indigenous Wisdom on Peace Making and Peace Building: How to make peace in a post-colonial conflict, Bougainville. [7] ( ) Prof. Roger S. Clark: The Development of International Criminal Law. [19] ( ) Dr Howard Zehr: Journey to Belonging. [9] ( ) Judge Fred McElrea: Keynote address - Community Justice and Peace. [7] ( ) Peter Le Mere: Time to Abolish War. [2] _________________________
Reports from notes of workshops attended( ) Peace and Justice Issues in Education (Charmaine Pountney). [ 3] ( ) Restorative Justice in Schools (Ann Dunphy, and others from Penrose High School). [2] ( ) The Role of the Media (Prof. Judy McGregor, plenary session). [1] ( ) The situation in Papua New Guinea (Dr Julienne Kaman). [1] ( ) Indigenous Wisdom on Peace Making and Peace Building - Vanuatu (Hilda Lini). [2] ( ) Indigenous Wisdom on Peace Making and Peace Building - Bougainville (Josephine Sirivi). [1] ( ) The Truth and Reconciliation Commission - South Africa (Tlhoki Mofokeng). [6] _________________________ Please place a tick in the ( ) preceeding the papers you want copies of; then fill in the form below. Total number of pages _______ x 10c each = $ ________ . _____ (copying cost) + .80c (postage) + $ ________ . _____ (donation) = $ ________ . _____ (total) Name ________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Please make your cheque payable to PMA, and return with this form to PMA, PO Box 9314, Wellington. Thank you.