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National - what's on

7 March 2000

*** NATIONAL ***

~ 8 March - International Women�s Day - launch of World March of Women 2000 in Auckland by Laila Harre (Minister of Women�s Affairs) at the UNIFEM Breakfast, 7am to 8.30am at the Sheraton Auckland Hotel and Towers, 83 Symonds Street. Guest Speaker is Chief Justice Sian Elias $25 per person, contact (09) 528 3636, (09) 576 6006, (09) 418 0700 or (09) 379 9765. For more info on the World March of Women 2000 see the end of this message.

~ 8 March - International Women�s Day - UNIFEM, in co-operation with other women�s organisations, are having their IWD breakfasts in towns and cities around the country, contact UNIFEM National Office, tel (04) 384 8116, [email protected]

~ 9 March - National Consultative Committee on Disarmament AGM, 3-45pm at 192 Tinakori Road, Wellington.

~ 12 March - the very recent US "60 Minutes" programme on Echelon will screen on the NZ edition this Sunday at 7.35 pm., on TV1.

~ 1 April - �Towards Democracy in Indonesia / Seize New Zealand Suharto Assets�, all day seminar * to explore the ways in which New Zealanders can support human rights and the restoration of democracy in Indonesia * to launch the Indonesia Human Rights Committee in Auckland * to promote the campaign for a parliamentary enquiry into the Suharto family assets in New Zealand, Speakers : Dr George Aditjondro and Murray Horton. 9am to 4pm at the Conference Centre, University of Auckland, 22 Symonds St, Auckland.

~ 17-18 April - �Flaxroots Technology: Claiming the Internet for Community� inaugural national conference for people interested in community development through the use of information and communication technologies to empower their communities. For more info contact Stephen Blyth, Community Development Group, PO Box 805, Wellington, [email protected], tel (04) 494 0580, fax 495 9444,

~ 24 - 28 April - 'Just Peace?' conference, to be held at Massey�s Albany campus, - their website now has a registration page which can be down-loaded and posted in

~ 1 May (MayDay2k) - a global day of action against capitalism is planned, in the spirit of the June 18 protests last year. For info on what is happening in Aotearoa, contact [email protected] (for Wellington details) or [email protected] (Christchurch).

~ 6 - 8 July - �Treaty Conference 2000 and beyond�, to be held in Tamaki Makaurau / Auckland, contact Betsan Martin [email protected] or Ingrid Huygens [email protected]

***** LOCAL *****


~ongoing - �Effects of Modern Warfare on Civilian Populations : What the media didn�t show about the 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia� - photographic exhibition. The exhibition continues as follows: Faculty of Law: 6 - 17 March; Wellington Central Library, 19 March - 1 April; St Andrews on the Terrace: 4 - 7 April; St Aidan's Parish Church, 8 April.

~ WED, 8 March - International Women's Day Stall, 10am-3pm in the QUAD, Victoria University, Amnesty International and VUWSA Women's Rights Officer, with support from Human Rights Action Group.

~ WED, 8 March - UNESCO Culture of Peace meeting, launch of info kit on the International Year for the Culture of Peace, Guest of Honour Phil Goffe, Peacemakers Award presentation to Dr Andrew Ladley, 12 noon at the Urban Health Urban Cafe, 20 Customhouse Quay.

~SAT & SUN, 18 - 19 March - �What�s Left ?� - a meeting for activists working against the right wing freemarket ideologies that continue to dominate our society, a chance for grassroots activists to get together to discuss campaigns, beliefs and tactics. Sat - St Johns Church Hall (cnr Dixon and Willis Sts), starting at 9am; Sun - skills workshops at Victoria University. $10/$7 (lunch included). For more info or to offer assistance / thoughts, tel Sam or Mark on (04) 385-6728, [email protected] or [email protected]

~ TUES, 21 March - Campaign to Free Mordechai Vanunu meeting, 2pm, PMA offices. Contact Arthur Quinn, (04) 567 0533.

~ FRI, 24 March - protest vigils - in conjunction with the international protests called by the International Action Centre to commemorate the first anniversary of the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, 12 noon to 1pm outside the US embassy (29 Fitzherbert Tce), 1pm to 2pm outside the British Embassy (44 Hill Street). Organised by Peace Council Aotearoa, bring your own placards.


~ SAT, 25 March - WILPF Auckland Branch AGM, 11am at 1/5 Seymour Street, St Mary�s Bay. Speaker and shared lunch.

~ FRI, 31 March - Launch of the Indonesia Human Rights Committee, Public Meeting with speaker Dr George Aditjondro on 'Indonesia Today', 7.30pm at Pioneer Women�s Hall (Ellen Melville), High St, Auckland, opposite the Metropolis.

World March of Women 2000

is the international campaign calling for an end to poverty and violence against women. Women from more than 143 countries are this year demanding that the United Nations and its member states take concrete measures to: * eliminate poverty and ensure a fair distribution of the planet's wealth between the rich and poor, and between women and men; * eliminate violence against women and ensure equality between women and men.

The campaign will be launched around the world on International Women's Day (8 March) - a wide variety of events are planned in different countries, and all will feature the World March of Women 2000 postcards. The March will end on the International Day for the Elimination of Poverty (17 October) with the presentation of all signed postcards to the UN Secretary General in New York.

The World March of Women 2000 postcards are available here from the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. To order yours, send your name and address, a request for the number of postcards you want (and if possible a donation to help with the cost of producing the postcards) to World March of Women 2000, WILPF, PO Box 47-189, Auckland (cheques should be made payable to WILPF).

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