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Action Alert - Alternatives To The APEC Agenda
Peace Movement Aotearoa
PO Box 9314, Wellington. Tel (04) 382 8129, fax (04) 382 8173, [email protected]
Issued 6 April 1999
APEC 99: It's Not Worth It!
From 26 April to 7 May 1999 Ministers and Senior Officials from 21 "economies" of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum meet in Christchurch (Aotearoa/New Zealand) to plan the agenda for the APEC Ministerial and Leaders Meetings that will be held in Auckland in mid-September 1999. The "Alternatives to the APEC Agenda: Development, Foreign Investment and Sovereignty" Forum will provide an opportunity to learn more about APEC and to express our opposition to the extreme neoliberal and free market policies that are the cornerstones of the APEC agenda.
One way of understanding APEC is to see it as "Rogernomics" on an Asia-Pacific scale. While the promoters of APEC try to project it as a forum for economic cooperation and development, APEC exists to give more and more freedom to the large corporations to exploit the region. APEC is anti-women, anti-worker, anti-Maori, and fundamentally, anti-people.
ALTERNATIVES TO THE APEC AGENDA: Development, Foreign Investment & Sovereignty
Public Meeting (All welcome to attend)
Friday 23 April
Knox Hall, Cnr Victoria St and Bealey Ave, Christchurch
Annette Sykes (Ngati Pikiao, Lawyer & Treaty Activist) Dr David Small (Corso National Officer) Murray Horton (Organiser, Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa (CAFCA))
Forum (see registration details below)
Alternatives to the APEC Agenda: Development, Foreign Investment and Sovereignty
Saturday 24 April
9am - 6pm
Knox Hall, Cnr Victoria St & Bealey Ave, Christchurch
9.00am Welcome and outline
9.20am An overview of APEC - Aziz Choudry (GATT Watchdog) 10.00am Development & the Market Model - Radha D'Souza (labour rights/human rights lawyer/activist, Asia Pacific Workers Solidarity Links, India); Dr David Small (Corso National Officer) 10.30am Discussion/workshops
12pm Lunch
1.30pm Foreign Investment - Dr Bill Rosenberg & Murray Horton (Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa)
2pm Discussion/workshops
3.30 Sovereignty under threat?
Annette Sykes (Ngati Pikiao, Treaty Activist); Leonie Pihama (Te Atiawa, Ngati Mahanga) 4 pm Discussion/workshops
5.30pm Sum up - Dr David Small
To register for the forum on 24 April, please fill out details below and return with payment to Aotearoa/New Zealand APEC Monitoring Group, PO Box 1905, Christchurch 8015:
Registration is $20 (waged)/$10 (unwaged)/$50 (supporting)
Please make cheques payable to: Aotearoa/New Zealand APEC Monitoring Group
This forum, organised by the Aotearoa/New Zealand APEC Monitoring Group, GATT Watchdog, Christchurch Corso, and CAFCA, is one of a series being organised around the country this year leading to a two-day conference to be held in Auckland on September 11-12 1999 (at the time of the APEC Leaders Summit)
For further information please contact us at
[email protected]
Fax (64) 3 3668035
or refer to our website