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Action Alert - Wellington Iraq vigils Peace Movement AotearoaPO Box 9314, Wellington. Tel (04) 382 8129, fax (04) 382 8173, [email protected]Issued 4 March 1999 Wellington people ! Protest vigils against the attacks on the people of Iraq It was decided at the vigil on 3 March that there will be a vigil at 5pm every Wednesday at the Cenotaph (corner Bowen Street and Lambton Quay) while the ongoing bombing raids by US and British warplanes continue. We are protesting against the raids, an undeclared war against the people of Iraq, which do not even have the pretence of United Nations support; the recent announcement that the bombing raids will no longer be confined to military targets; and the ongoing economic sanctions which are causing the deaths of thousands of Iraqi children every month. We are particularly concerned that the NZ government supports these atrocities. Click here to see in poster form so you can print off copies. Please refer to PMA's earlier alerts for more information on the US attack on Iraq.