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Action Alert - What's on soon? Peace Movement AotearoaPO Box 9314, Wellington. Tel (04) 382 8129, fax (04) 382 8173, [email protected]Issued 3 February 1999 3 Feb 1999 Wellington : Say 'NO to APEC' TODAY ! APEC 99 - the $45 million mistake ! ~ 2-30pm - at Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Stafford House, 40 The Terrace - picket the NGO / MFAT 'consultation'. The government wants NGOs to help sell APEC to the community, come and tell them what you think about this. Contact TUF, tel (04) 384 8963. ~ 7.30pm - 'What is APEC?' public meeting with Jane Kelsey, Moana Jackson and others; Aziz Choudry on 'APEC and the SIS', at 7.30pm, St Johns Church Conference Centre, Cnr Willis and Dixon Streets. AND SAY 'NO TO APEC' TOMORROW TOO ! Thursday, 4 FEB - "Confronting APEC: Alternatives to the neo-liberal agenda" Seminar, 9.00am to 4.00pm, at Student Union Building, Victoria University, Wellington. Reg fee ($20 org, $10/$5 individual), contact APEC Monitoring Group, tel (04) 385 0579, [email protected] Programme for the Seminar : 9.00 am Welcome and introduction; 9.15 am Keynote speaker: Malaysian Activist - Confronting APEC in Malaysia; 10.00 am Morning Tea; 10.15 am Panel I - APEC, Trade and Worker Rights; 11.15 am Panel II - APEC and the Education System; 12.15 pm Lunch; 1.00 pm Panel III - APEC and Sovereignty; 2.00 pm Workshops on the three issues; 3.15 pm Beyond APEC - summing-up by Professor Jane Kelsey; 4.0 pm Close. SAY 'NO TO APEC' in Auckland - for details of meetings to discuss possible protests when the APEC circus convenes there, contact AUWRC, tel (09) 302 2496, fax (09) 377 4804, [email protected] from 29 January - Bruce Lyon has asked us to advise you that from 29 January he will be on his 'Nation of Spirit' national tour. For more information you can tel 0800 698 687, [email protected] or check out his website at Wellington - Friday, 5 FEB - 'The corporate assault on environmentalism' , Dr Sharon Beder, 7pm, at Aro Valley Hall. Sharon, probably best known for her book 'Global Spin: The Corporate Assault on Environmentalism', will be sharing her research and knowledge about the topic. Contact ECO, tel (04) 385 7545, [email protected] Saturday, 6 Feb - Waitangi Day, 159th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty. Otepoti / Dunedin- 'A Celebration of Survival and Resistance' concert, stalls and speakers, 11am to 2pm in the Lower Octagon, co-sponsored by Corso Otepoti, Freedom Roadworks, Te Roopu Rangatahi o Otepoti, SCM Otago and Network Waitangi. For more details tel (03) 477 3395, [email protected]~ Wellington- Tenths Trust day of activities around the Treaty in Frank Kitts Park, Network Waitangi will be having an information stall there.~ Aotea Lagoon, Porirua: 'Festival of the Elements' 9am to 10pm - stalls, bands, and a 'writer's cafe' (2pm-5.30pm) where writers including Roma Potiki, Apirana Taylor and Vivienne Plumb will read.~ Tamaki Makaurau/ Auckland- NFIP Tamaki Makaurau will be travelling to Waitangi, contact Joan (09) 360 8001.Wellington region - 7 & 14 Feb at 11.45 am on ACCESS 783AM - listen to Peace Report, Des Brough interviewing Alyn Ware on issues and challenges facing anti-nuclear activists in the new millennium. Contact Peace Council, PO Box 703, Wgtn. Tuesday, 9 Feb is the NATIONAL DAY OF ACTION AGAINST THE SIS Amendment Bill , and the day of submissions hearings in Wellington - requests from people opposed to the bill outside of Wellington for oral submissions to be heard in their towns and cities have been refused by the Prime Minister's office. The 1998 SIS Amendment Bill (which will have its third reading in parliament probably in March) will give the SIS the right to break into homes and offices and remove whatever they want. This right will be retrospective. As the 1996 SIS amendment extended the definition of national security to include 'the international and economic wellbeing of New Zealand', those whose homes / offices may be broken into presumably now include anyone who disagrees with the current government's international or economic policy - a considerable proportion of the populace one imagines ! If you wish to have more details about the Amendment Bill, please contact PMA and we will send you our alert 'DO YOU WANT THE SIS IN YOUR HOME ?' - this includes a copy of the Democratic Rights Defence Fund leaflet. The alert is available on our website at In Wellington and Auckland the protests will start at sites linked to APEC - if this bill becomes law, it is likely that those protesting the APEC 99 meetings here will become 'legitimate' targets of the SIS. Otepoti / Dunedin- leafletting around the city, contact Corso, tel (03) 477 3395, [email protected]Christchurch- meet at 12-15pm in Cathedral Square. For more info, tel (03) 366 2803.Wellington: ~ 11-45am, at the Plaza International, Wakefield St (opposite Michael Fowler centre carpark), temporary home to APEC economies Senior Officials meeting; ~ 12.30 pm at Parliament, speakers will include Aziz Choudry. For more info tel TUF, tel (04) 384 8963, or PMA.Auckland- 12 noon, outside Cigna House, cnr Queen Street and Mayoral Drive (APEC task force HQ), contact AUWRC, tel (09) 302 2496, fax (09) 377 4804, [email protected]Take your own banner along the theme of 'cut the spies down to size'; perhaps leave someone guarding your house to lessen the chance of a break-in while you are at these events ! 3 - 18 February - Genetic Engineering hui, Maori input/ERMA Gisbourne - Wed, 10 February Te Poho Marae, 10 am - 5 pm Otautahi/Christchurch - Sat, 13 February Te Waipounamou House, Armagh St., 10 am to 5 pm. Whangarei - Tues, 17 February, Thurs 18 February Awataha Marae, 9.30 am to 5pm For more information contact ERMA NZ tel. 04 473 8426 Nelson - 9 Feb - Nelson Peace Group meeting, 5-30pm at Kite Shop, tel (03) 547 4779. Upper Moutere - 13 Feb - Top of the South Peace Groups at Riverside Community, RD2 Upper Moutere, 10am for a cuppa, 10-30am for meeting, bring lunch to share. Massey Albany campus - 13 Feb - The global society : issues and challenges for New Zealand, Massey University at Albany. Contact the convener Dr Anne de Bruin, Department of Commerce, Massey University - Albany Campus, Private Bag 102904, North Shore Mail Centre, Auckland, tel (09) 4439633, fax (09) 4439732 [email protected] Tamaki Makaurau / Auckland - 22 Feb - Anti-racism/Treaty workers meeting, Tamaki Makaurau region, 7pm at 5 Seymour St, Ponsonby. Asia Development Assistance Facility Training Workshops on Monitoring and Evaluation of work in Asia. 22-23 Feb in Wellington, 25-26 Feb in Christchurch, 1-2 March in Auckland. Contact ADAF Training, Development Resource Centre, PO Box 12440, Wgtn, fax (04) 472 3622, [email protected] WOMAD -26 Feb - next millennium miracle minute of silence here in Aotearoa, 11-30pm at the Womad Festival, Aotea Square Complex, Auckland. For 26 Feb details contact Peace Foundation, tel (09) 373 2379, [email protected] for global details about the minutes, info on how to organise them yourself, check out Wellington - 27 - 28 Feb - Anarchist national meeting, details to be confirmed. Contact Joe, tel (04) 385 7545, [email protected] 1 March - Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific Day Upper Moutere - 6 March, Riverside Music Festival Promoting Peace, 12 noon - 8pmFeaturing local performers - bands, soloists, actors, poets and more - games, food and craft stalls. Any peace groups interested in bringing along or sending material on current peace issues; and interested people, groups, or performers or who feel they have something to contribute to the festival, please contact : Jessie Francis, Riverside Community, RD2 Upper Moutere, Nelson.Wellington - 6 -7 March - Pakeha women and racism course , for pakeha women to explore what it means to live in Aotearoa today and some of the major issues facing us in 1999, facilitated by Elena Ilalio and Anne Wells. 10am to 3pm each day, at the Wellington Women's Centre, 56 Victoria Street. $10 unwaged / $20 waged, bring lunch to share. Tel Anne Wells, (04) 472 6425 for more details / to enrol. 8 March - International Women's Day 10 March - Tibet Uprising Day commemorating Tibetan non-violent resistance to the Chinese occupation. This year Students for a Free Tibet (NZ) have called the Light For Tibet campaign. Contact SFT(NZ) PO Box 4366, Kamo, [email protected] or [email protected] Gender & Development Training . 10-11 March in Auckland, 17-18 March in Wellington, 24-25 March in Christchurch. Contact CID, PO Box 12-470 Wgtn, fax: (04) 472 63 74, [email protected] Otepoti / Dunedin - 20 March - fund raising dinner for East Timor work , at Burns Hall. Contact Corso (Dunedin) tel (03) 477 3395 for tickets and more information. Wellington / Paekakariki 21 March - 3 April - International Festival of Women's Performance, outstanding women performers from around the world; 21-28 March, Wellington; 1-3 April, Paekakariki 'Te Ao Te Tohatoha Mohiotanga' (a world in which to share knowledge). Contact Magdelena Aotearoa, tel (04) 385 0777, [email protected]